Feb 17, 2021

Toast For Every Meal? We’re IN!

National Toast Day

Thursday February 25th is #NationalToastDay—and there is no better day to make a toast with Toast. (Prepare for the puns, but before we go on, other deep thoughts we’re having: toasters are just like tanning beds for bread. And who doesn’t love a little golden glow?)

You Butter believe we’re celebrating #NationalToastDay! Toast for breakfast, lunch and dinner—it’s what’s on the menu and JaM Cellars is here for it. So, heat up those toaster ovens because we have compiled these top four easy, tasty, Toast-y recipes, just for you:

And if you’ve run out of bread…a glass of Toast Sparkling is an A+ choice to celebrate #NationalToastDay too! Get your sparkling here .