Nov 20, 2019
How To Avoid A #ThanksgivingFail

Eat Turkey. Drink Butter. Repeat.
Turkey Day is here, and every year is like diving into a pool of gravy: delicious but also slightly messy. Whether you’re super chef or more of a microwave prodigy, they key to getting it all done? Just add Butter.
Every year we get a good chuckle out of some #ThanksgivingFails like these:
No matter who’s coming to dinner, remember to add wine and you’ll be just fine. Here are our tips for having the easiest and most delicious Thanksgiving ever with JaM by your side. #JaMIsMySuperPower
Sides Are for Guests
If you’re hosting, Turkey is your mission. And the sides are on everyone else! Potlucks are the best way to gather everyone around and take the pressure off you. Try a fun Thanksgiving version of this Potluck Challenge game that gets everyone involved!
Delegate Dish Duty
Before everyone sneaks off into a post-meal snooze and football session, delegate dishes to anyone who didn’t cook.
“What Can I Bring?”
If your guests aren’t able to cook, wine is ALWAYS an option. Let them know to grab some ButterCans for the game of flag football before dinner and a bottle of JaM Cab to wind down in front of the fire together at the end of the night. Don’t believe the naysayers: you can never have too much wine!
No such thing as perfect
Having a #ThanksgivingFail? That’s what memories are made of. Just smile, sip some wine and take a photo. Please tag us, we promise to share ours too! #JaMCellars